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The difference between lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries, and graphene batteries

Nov. 17, 2023

(1) Lead-acid battery

A lead-acid battery is a type of battery with electrodes mainly made of lead and its oxides, and the electrolyte is a sulfuric acid solution.

 In the discharge state of lead-acid batteries, the main component of the positive electrode is lead dioxide, and the main component of the negative electrode is lead; In the charging state, the main component of the positive and negative electrodes is lead sulfate. Lead acid batteries are charged and discharged through a chemical reaction between the active substances on the positive and negative electrodes and sulfuric acid in the electrolyte.

(2) Lithium battery

Lithium batteries are a type of battery made of lithium metal or lithium alloy as positive/negative electrode materials, using non aqueous electrolyte solutions. 

The negative electrode material of lithium batteries is metal or lithium alloy material, which relies on the initial transfer between the positive and negative electrodes

 to complete the charging and discharging operations of the battery. Currently, lithium batteries mainly include lithium iron phosphate batteries,

lithium iron manganese batteries, and ternary lithium batteries.

(3) Graphene battery

Graphene technology is currently only in the research and development stage and has not yet reached the standard for large-scale use. At present, 

the graphene batteries used in our country are essentially lead-acid batteries. It is the addition of graphite powder on top of lead-acid batteries that provides 

excellent heat resistance, corrosion resistance, and conductivity, thereby improving the durability of the batteries. It can be said that graphene batteries are an 

enhanced version of lead-acid batteries.

The difference between lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries, and graphene batteries

2、 Price difference

Lead acid batteries and lithium batteries are manufactured using completely different processes, and lithium batteries are more expensive than lead-acid 

batteries in terms of process difficulty and material cost. Therefore, the price of lithium batteries is higher than that of lead-acid batteries. Without considering brand factors,

 lithium batteries are about three times the price of lead-acid batteries. For example, 48V20AH batteries, brand new lead-acid batteries cost 500 to 700 yuan, while lithium

 batteries cost around 1200 to 1500 yuan, Therefore, lead-acid batteries are more cost-effective.

As mentioned earlier, graphene batteries are actually an enhanced version of lead-acid batteries. Compared to lead-acid batteries, the lead plate is thicker. 

Generally, graphene batteries weigh about 5kg more than lead-acid batteries, and graphene technology is added. Therefore, the price of graphene will also be slightly higher

 than that of lead-acid batteries, about 10% -20% higher.

3, Differences in safety factors

The potential safety hazard of batteries is self ignition, and due to the electrolyte used in lead-acid batteries being sulfuric acid, they do not possess the characteristic of 

deflagration. But the lithium metal used in lithium-ion batteries is a very active metal. Once exposed to air, it undergoes chemical reactions and burns. During the process,

 it also generates the necessary oxygen and other conditions for combustion, making it impossible to extinguish the fire through simple methods. Therefore, 

lead-acid batteries are superior in terms of safety.

4,Differences in service life

In theory, the main components of lead-acid batteries are sulfuric acid solution and lead plates, which are relatively easy to consume and damage during battery use. 

In terms of the number of cycles of charging and discharging, lead-acid batteries generally only have 300 cycles, so their theoretical lifespan is generally around 3 years. 

On the other hand, lithium batteries are different. Their lithium metal is more durable, and the designed theoretical cycle charging and discharging times are usually 

greater than 1000 times. Therefore, the theoretical life can generally be used for about 5 years, and the durability of lithium ions is more breakthrough. Currently,

 known lithium batteries with longer lifespans can have 25000 cycles of charging and discharging, and are expected to last for about 70 years, which is something 

that lead-acid batteries cannot achieve.

And since graphene batteries are upgraded versions of lead-acid batteries, they have naturally strengthened the weaknesses of the original version, including lifespan. 

As mentioned above, the design of lead-acid batteries has a charging and discharging frequency of about 300 times, while graphene batteries have a charging and

 discharging frequency of about 500 times, which has increased by two-thirds. Of course, the specific usage situation still depends on the car owner's maintenance 

awareness, but in theory, it is the same as lead-acid batteries, The same type of battery that is prone to "injury" usually has a lifespan of 3 years if maintenance 

is not emphasized during the process.

Graphene batteries, on the other hand, have the same production process difficulty and materials as lead-acid batteries, except for the addition of graphene elements

 that can increase conductivity. This operation method is consistent with the addition of corrosion-resistant "cadmium" elements in early lead-acid batteries. Therefore,

 there is no significant difference in safety between lead-acid batteries and graphene batteries, both of which are non self igniting battery types.